John studied theatre at the prestigious Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts. He has since travelled extensively performing Theatre, television and independent film productions in the United Kingdom, Ireland and in his homeland Australia. In recent times John has been involved in numerous film projects produced out of Australia and abroad. John’s short film “Safe House” was invited to screen at the prestigious 61st Cannes Film Festival Short Corner achieving much praise and kudos. Safe House was later produced in Hollywood as a feature film starring Denzel Washington. It was in Cannes; France that John met Richard Wayne and henceforth began formulating their idea and concept of creating an international hub for independent film makers, known as World Film Federation. John’s dynamic source of energy, enthusiasm, passion and life experience bring a focused discipline in realising the success of World Film Federation. The solid business relationships he has sustained globally is a testament to his loyalty to others which will continue to make World Film Federation a force to be reckoned with for years to come and a beacon for industry professionals the world over to aspire and partake in the global independent film community in the pursuit to assist all members become successful in their chosen career path.
WORLD FILM FEDERATION is dedicated to bringing the Independent Film Market into one Global Community with members taking decisive action with courage, determination and enthusiasm to achieve career success.
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