The movie score can be one of the most important aspects of a movie. Scores convey mood, pace and adds tension. Without a score, the story would be missing one of its most critical elements. Scores are written by one or more composers under the guidance of or in collaboration with the film’s director…….
A film score is original music written specifically to accompany a film. The score comprises a number of orchestral, instrumental, or choral pieces called cues, which are timed to begin and end at specific points during the film in order to enhance the dramatic narrative and the emotional impact of the scene in question.
Scores are written by one or more composers under the guidance of or in collaboration with the film’s director or producer and are then most often performed by an ensemble of musicians – usually including an orchestra or band, instrumental soloists, and choir or vocalists – known as playback singers – and recorded by a sound engineer.
Here is a piece of a score you might recognize.
The Origins go back to silent movies. These were moving pictures with no audible dialogue, but the only element we heard was music. At that point in film history, having no music would make the work seem empty. The presence of the music emphasizes the story. In the theatre, a musician improvises the music on the piano or organ. In the silent era, music was the driving force, thus the birth of film music.
Today, many movie scores are produced electronically, so recording a whole orchestra isn’t necessary with virtual instruments found on Digital Audio Workstations. A digital audio workstation (DAW) is an electronic device or application software used for recording, editing and producing audio files.
DAWs come in a wide variety of configurations from a single software program on a laptop, to an integrated stand-alone unit, all the way to a highly complex configuration of numerous components controlled by a central computer. Regardless of configuration, modern DAWs have a central interface that allows the user to alter and mix multiple recordings and tracks into a final produced piece.
The composer usually enters the creative process towards the end of filming at around the same time as the film is being edited, although on some occasions the composer is on hand during the entire film shoot, especially when actors are required to perform with or be aware of original diegetic music.
The composer is shown an unpolished “rough cut” of the film before the editing is completed and talks to the director or producer about what sort of music is required for the film in terms of style and tone.
The director and composer will watch the entire film, taking note of which scenes require original music. During this process, composers will take precise timing notes so that they know how long each cue needs to last, where it begins, where it ends, and of particular moments during a scene with which the music may need to coincide in a specific way.
In some circumstances, a composer will be asked to write music based on their impressions of the script or storyboards without seeing the film itself and has more freedom to create music without the need to adhere to specific cue lengths or mirror the emotional arc of a particular scene.
This approach is usually taken by a director who does not wish to have the music comment specifically on a particular scene or nuance of a film and which can instead be inserted into the film at any point the director wishes during the post-production process.
When writing music for film, one goal is to sync dramatic events happening on screen with musical events in the score. There are many different methods for syncing music to picture. These include using sequencing software to calculate timings, using mathematic formulas and free timing with reference timings. Composers work using SMPTE timecode for syncing purposes.
When syncing music to picture, generally a leeway of 3–4 frames late or early allows the composer to be extremely accurate. Using a technique called Free Timing, a conductor will use either (a) a stopwatch or studio size stop clock, or (b) watch the film on a screen or video monitor while conducting the musicians to predetermined timings.
These are represented visually by vertical lines (streamers) and bursts of light called punches. These are put on the film by the Music Editor at points specified by the composer.
In both instances, the timings on the clock or lines scribed on the film have corresponding timings which are also at specific points (beats) in the composer/conductor score. Learn More
Another common element in film scores is Leitmotifs. This is a reoccurring musical idea that appears throughout that is usually associated with a particular character or place. Leitmotifs can come at any length. They could be a long lyrical melody or a concise yet distinct cell.
Composers can change the character of the leitmotif depending on the scene’s mood. If something sinister was occurring, the leitmotif of that specific character could become musically more threatening too. Think of the shark in “JAWS”.
This can be achieved by adjusting musical elements such as harmony, texture, dynamics, and rhythm. The leitmotif could become fragmented (made shorter) or develop into something longer.
Once the spotting session has been completed and the precise timings of each cue determined, the composer will then work on writing the score. The methods of writing the score vary from composer to composer; some composers prefer to work with a traditional pencil and paper, writing notes by hand on a staff and performing works-in-progress for the director on a piano, while other composers write on computers using sophisticated music composition software.
The length of time a composer has to write the score varies from project to project; depending on the post-production schedule, a composer may have as little as two weeks or as much as three months to write the score. In normal circumstances, the actual writing process usually lasts around six weeks from beginning to end.
The actual musical content of a film score is wholly dependent on the type of film being scored and the emotions the director wishes the music to convey. A film score can encompass literally thousands of different combinations of instruments, ranging from full symphony orchestral ensembles to single solo instruments to rock bands, etc.
The style of the music being written also varies massively from project to project and can be influenced by the time period in which the film is set, the geographic location of the film’s action, and even the musical tastes of the characters.
As part of their preparations for writing the score the composer will often research different musical techniques and genres as appropriate for that specific project; as such, it is not uncommon for established film composers to be proficient at writing music in dozens of different styles.
Once the music has been written, it must then be arranged or orchestrated in order for the ensemble to be able to perform it.
The nature and level of orchestration varies from project to project and composer to composer, but in its basic form the orchestrator’s job is to take the single-line music written by the composer and “flesh it out” into instrument-specific sheet music for each member of the orchestra to perform.
Some composers orchestrate their own scores themselves, without using an additional orchestrator. Some composers provide intricate details in how they want this to be accomplished and will provide the orchestrator with copious notes outlining which instruments are being asked to perform which notes, giving the orchestrator no personal creative input whatsoever beyond re-notating the music on different sheets of paper as appropriate.
Other composers are less detailed, and will often ask orchestrators to “fill in the blanks”, providing their own creative input into the makeup of the ensemble, ensuring that each instrument is capable of performing the music as written, and even allowing them to introduce performance techniques and flourishes to enhance the score.
In many cases, time constraints determined by the film’s post-production schedule dictate whether composers orchestrate their own scores, as it is often impossible for the composer to complete all the required tasks within the time frame allowed.
When the music has been composed and orchestrated, the orchestra or ensemble then performs it, often with the composer conducting. Musicians for these ensembles are often uncredited in the film or on the album and are contracted individually.
The orchestra performs in front of a large screen depicting the film, The conductor and musicians habitually wear headphones that sound a series of clicks called a “click-track” that changes with meter and tempo, assisting to synchronize the music with the film.
More rarely, the director will talk to the composer before shooting has started, so as to give more time to the composer or because the director needs to shoot scenes according to the final score.
Sometimes the director will have edited the film using “temporary music”: already published pieces with a character that the director believes to fit specific scenes.
Most films have between 45 and 120 minutes of music. However, some films have very little or no music; others may feature a score that plays almost continuously throughout.
In some instances, film composers have been asked by the director to imitate a specific composer or style present in the temp track.
On other occasions, directors have become so attached to the temp score that they decide to use it and reject the original score written by the film composer.
One of the most famous cases is Stanley Kubrick‘s 2001: A Space Odyssey, where Kubrick opted for existing recordings of classical works.
Films often have different themes for important characters, events, ideas or objects, an idea often associated with Wagner’s use of leitmotif.
These may be played in different variations depending on the situation they represent, scattered amongst incidental music.
The themes for specific characters or locations are known as a motif where the rest of the track is usually centered around the particular motif and the track develops in line with the motif.
This common technique may often pass unnoticed by casual moviegoers, but has become well known among genre enthusiasts.
“Source music” (or a “source cue”) comes from an on screen source that can actually be seen or that can be inferred (in academic film theory such music is called “diegetic” music, as it emanates from the “diegesis” or “story world”).
An example of “source music” is the use of the Frankie Valli song “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” in Michael Cimino‘s The Deer Hunter.
Alfred Hitchcock‘s 1963 thriller The Birds is an example of a Hollywood film with no non-diegetic music whatsoever.
Many companies provide music to various film, TV and commercial projects for a fee. Sometimes called library music, the music is owned by production music libraries and licensed to customers for use in film, television, radio and other media.
Unlike popular and classical music publishers, who typically own less than 50 percent of the copyright in a composition, music production libraries own all of the copyrights of their music, meaning that it can be licensed without seeking the composer’s permission, as is necessary in licensing music from normal publishers. This is because virtually all music created for music libraries is done on a work for hire basis.

Production music is therefore a very convenient medium for media producers – they can be assured that they will be able to license any piece of music in the library at a reasonable rate.
Production music libraries will typically offer a broad range of musical styles and genres, enabling producers and editors to find much of what they need in the same library.
Music libraries vary in size from a few hundred tracks up to many thousands. The first production music library was set up by De Wolfe Music in 1927 with the advent of sound in film
Movie scores are an integral part of the filmmaking process, and they play a crucial role in shaping the overall emotional impact of a film. A great movie score can transport viewers into the world of the movie, helping to create a sense of atmosphere, mood, and tone that draws them deeper into the story.
Here are some of the reasons why movie scores are so important:
One of the primary functions of movie scores is to enhance the emotional impact of a film. A well-crafted score can heighten the drama, suspense, or romance of a scene, and can even be used to manipulate the emotions of the viewer. For example, a slow, mournful melody can convey sadness or loss, while a fast, upbeat tune can convey excitement or anticipation. By using a combination of instruments, rhythms, and melodies, composers can create a sonic landscape that supports the emotional arc of the film.
In addition to enhancing the emotional impact of a film, movie scores can also help to build atmosphere and create a sense of time and place. By using specific instruments, rhythms, and melodies, composers can evoke different moods and emotions, which can transport the audience into the world of the film. For example, a score that incorporates traditional Japanese instruments can help to create a sense of the culture and history of Japan, while a score that features heavy metal guitars can evoke a sense of rebellion and anarchy.
Another important role of movie scores is to create memorable moments that become synonymous with the film itself. A great movie score can create an iconic theme that is instantly recognizable and can be associated with the film for years to come. For example, the ominous two-note motif from “Jaws” is instantly recognizable and has become synonymous with the film. Similarly, the soaring orchestral themes from the “Star Wars” movies are instantly recognizable and have become ingrained in popular culture.
Movie scores can help to establish the identity of a film or franchise. By using consistent themes and motifs across multiple movies, composers can create a sonic brand that is instantly recognizable to fans.
For example, the “Mission: Impossible” movies have a distinctive theme that is used throughout the franchise, helping to establish the identity of the series. Similarly, the “Harry Potter” movies have a consistent musical style that helps to create a sense of continuity across the films.
In addition to connecting audiences across cultures, movie scores can also help films to appeal to a global audience. A great score can help to create an emotional connection with viewers all over the world, regardless of their cultural or linguistic background. This can help to broaden the appeal of a film and increase its box office success.
Movie scores can also contribute to the international movie business through soundtrack sales. Many moviegoers purchase the soundtracks to their favorite films, which can generate additional revenue for the film studio and the music industry. A successful soundtrack can also help to promote the film, increasing its visibility and box office success.
Finally, movie scores can contribute to the international movie business by winning awards and recognition. A well-crafted score can be recognized with awards such as the Academy Award for Best Original Score, which can help to promote the film and raise its profile on the international stage. This recognition can also help to create a sense of prestige and quality that can draw more viewers to the film.
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